English to Bahasa Translation Services

English to Bahasa Translation is one of the most wanted translation services we offer. Why? The official language of Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia (literally, “the language of Indonesia”). It is the language that unifies the world’s fourth most populous country, a country comprised of almost 18,000 islands, and inhabited by 350 ethnic groups speaking 750 native’s languages and dialects. Bahasa Indonesia, a standardised version of Malay, is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world (after Madarin, English, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic). This is why the demand for Bahasa translation is so high, and why we’re prepared to offer you the best of the best when it comes to translation services from English to Bahasa. 

English to Bahasa Translation Services

KL Translations Ltd is proud to offer top-notch English to Bahasa translation services in all applicable avenues. Our services are delivered by native and trained translators dedicated to accurate translations and impeccable customer service. If you’re in need of an English to Bahasa translation, please take a look at the services we offer (found below) and contact us about a free quote for your translation project! We’re excited to speak with you. 

English to Bahasa Translation Services Offered

KL Translations Ltd is happy to offer every English to Bahasa translation service you could possibly need. Our experts are trained in all areas of translation, and we provide specialized translators for any project requiring advanced knowledge of terminology in a given field. Find below a list of the services we offer. 

English to Bahasa Technical Translation 

Our translation experts are skilled in all technical industries and specialties. If you need a manual, paper, or other document translated that is written in technical terms, our seasoned translators are able to handle even the toughest technically-specific language. Our areas of expertise include user manuals, financial documents, policies, applications, complex websites, terms and conditions, contracts, business proposals, and any kind of report.

English to Bahasa Legal Translation 

KL Translations Ltd is here for all your legal translation needs. We have legal experts on hand that understand the law and its terminology. We also offer certified translations for this sector so that you can be sure you’re sending an accurate legal document, which is crucial for your legal proceedings! Contact us today about our legal translation services if you have documents like insurance policies, mortgage or title deeds, court documents, contracts, or certificates. 

English to Bahasa Document Translation

We offer document translation for a limitless number of document types. Whether it’s an email, book, article, proposal, contract, or another type of text, we can handle it! We work with many different document types and formats and all manner of topics and niches. If you need someone to translate a document from English to Bahasa, give us a call today!

English to Bahasa Medical Translation 

Although typically considered a technical translation, we’ve gone one step further. Medical translations from English to Bahasa require educated, qualified, and experienced professionals, so we have a group of native translators that specialize specifically in medical translations from English to Bahasa. This is one area that you cannot afford to misinterpret! We specialize in translating medical reports, case reports, clinical trials, medical contracts, medical marketing materials including pamphlets and brochures, medical exhibits material, protocols or policies, and more. 

English to Bahasa Website Translation

If you have a website and need English to Bahasa translation, you’re in the right place. KL Translations Ltd has the experts you need to translate everything related to your website, including your blog (if applicable), SEO content including meta tags, text, and descriptions, and all website content and pages. We can cater to even the most specific topics of websites, including technical or business-related websites with more challenging and niche-specific language. 

Certified English to Bahasa Translation

Some translations need to be certified in order to be valid for certain uses. Our translation experts can provide sworn and certified translations for birth, death, or marriage certificates, contracts, passports, medical reports, legal documentation, academic records, and more. Having your document translation certified allows you to use it in a variety of settings that require official translation for official purposes. The difference in a certified translation compared to a regular translation is that the certified translation is considered official, whereas an uncertified translation is not. 

Localized English to Bahasa Translation Services

Given that Bahasa is spoken across the world, there are many different dialects that require a localized translation to be understood by those in that local community. Our native experts are skilled in localized translation and can give you an accurate and relevant translation no matter what. We offer all Bahasa translations. It’s important that you translate your documents into the right Bahasa dialect for your business or personal dealings.

Why Choose Us for Your English to Bahasa Translation Services 

This is always the question on everyone’s mind, isn’t it? Here’s the answer to why you should choose us for your English to Bahasa Translation project!

Qualified English to Bahasa Translation Experts

Our translation experts are experienced English to Bahasa translators who are native Bahasa speakers. The same is true for localized translation services as well! Our translators are qualified through years of schooling and training, as well as a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field. You can rest assured that the translation expert assigned to your project will come prepared and trained to handle your specific translation needs. 

Turnaround Time

Here at KL Translations Ltd, we offer optimal turnaround times, even on larger projects. We work tirelessly to provide top-quality translations on a tight schedule. If you’re in a hurry, let us know! We can work with you to make sure your document translation needs are met with your deadline in mind. Simply tell us when you need it returned, and we’ll get it done. 

Affordable Pricing

We are dedicated to your satisfaction every step of the way. This is why we guarantee low prices for your translation needs! We want to make sure that everyone has access to the highest quality translation they require, without breaking the bank. Quality should not be a sacrifice you have to make when you’re on a tight budget. 

Customer Service

KL Translations Ltd is nearly as obsessed with customer service as we are with quality translations. Our clients mean everything to us, and we are passionate about ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.

We look forward to your feedback and answering all of your questions or concerns throughout the process. You’ll have an entire team at your disposal, even for the most straightforward translation projects. 

Call us Today!

We’re excited to hear from you about your English to Bahasa translation needs. Our online translators are waiting to get started on your project. We promise to exceed your expectations about the translation service process. You will never receive a translated document less than perfect, we guarantee it! We will send you a quote for your project nearly as fast as you can ask for it. Consider us your Bahasa translator app without internet!

We’re Ready to Translate, Transcribe, and Localize Your Next Project