KL Translations provides professional Tokelauan translation services for documents and websites. Basing to our services, we deliver over 400 languages and dialects, including Tokelauan to English or from English to Tokelauan document translations and website translations. Our Tokelauan translations are accurate, reliable and competitively priced.
About the Tokelauan language: Tokelauan is a Polynesian language and a member of the Austronesian language family. The language is closely related to the Tuvaluan language. It has about 3 thousand native speakers half of which inhabits the locality of Tokelau. It belongs to the Samoic classification of the Polynesian languages. The language has a written system using the alphabets of the Latin language.
Reliable Tokelauan translation service
With over 5000 carefully selected translators, we have access to professional Tokelauan language linguists with experience in delivering various types of translations including:
All Tokelauan translation projects are dealt with by an experienced team of Tokelauan translators, in-house editors and project managers. For linguistic accuracy, our Tokelauan translators are fully qualified and experienced in delivering highly accurate translations.
Why companies choose our Tokelauan document translations
Benefits of working with our translation agency include:
- We employ Tokelauan linguists who only translate into their mother-tongue
- Our translations are highly accurate and business-ready
- Quick turnaround service for tight translation deadlines
- Internal quality checks carried out numerous times to ensure 100% accuracy
- After translation support is available for free. We aim to please with our language services at all times
- A dedicated translation manager available to handle all your requirements at any time
For all Tokelauan translation services, please email us now and we shall reply you within 10 minutes with a quotation. We deliver Tokelauan translation services to clients all across the globe. Join our client list for accurate translations all the time.