language learning

Language learning is a process that tends to be a simple journey to other people and so hard to others and this makes me sometimes wonder why some people find it easy to learn and more than  one language and how they learn and master them yet it’s a hard task for other people.

William Alexander, the writer says, he used to joke that he spoke the French language like a 3-year-old until he met the 3-year-old and couldn’t hold up his end of the conversation.

There is a myth that an intelligent person can learn as many languages as possible, it might be true and it will depend on the interest and behavior of that person towards language learning. If the aim is to learn a second language, then that person will put much focus on doing it. However, I can’t believe that it’s only intelligent people who can learn a second language, as long as a person has an interest and a goal of language learning, he or she will concentrate and make it regardless of being intelligent or not.

What makes language learning so hard for other people?

Language learning becomes hard for some people because of certain mistakes that people tend to make yet in a very thing you intend to do needs a concentrated mind for a particular time set for it.

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Lack of inquisitiveness in language learning in a person makes him or her face a difficulty in acquiring a new language. Learning a new language needs a positive attitude of a person towards it and this is a very important factor for  language learners. A person who is interested in language learning must as well be curious in learning the culture of the target language. The curiosity in learning the culture of the target language will make a person make more friends or native speakers of that language so as to widen the knowledge and learn more about the language. Therefore, if the person lacks interest in language learning, it will automatically be hard for him or her to succeed in acquiring such a language, even if learnt for more than three years, someone will not be fluent. I give the example of myself who has spent over five years with the Baganda speakers, I have failed to learn how to speak the Luganda language but I just understand it when someone speaks and my reply will be in English. This is because am not so serious about learning the language.

Lack of a good listening ability; some of the language learners lack that listening ability yet it’s necessary for learning not only languages but anything, language learning needs a person to be like a baby who is quiet listening to what someone says though there is no response made. A student who is learning a new language needs to practice listening and observing how some words are pronounced by a native speaker of the target language. In communication, listening is what is necessary for our daily life, you can’t learn a language so easily if you cannot listen first even if you frequently play music in the target language and you don’t listen, you can’t manage. This is a common mistake made by most people or students who are language learners

Some people are rigid in thinking that is what linguists have found out and say, learners who have a low tolerance for ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning. This is because when learning a second language you must expect meeting new  dialects, vocabulary and its grammar, so if your mind is rigid, you will always run to look for the translated text in that language into the language you understand, though translation will help you, you may instead dwell on it so much and fail to force the  brain to guess the meaning of the words. So in case someone fails to find the meaning of the word in a translation form, then a person may be stressed and be demotivated and finally quits the course.

A lot of fear and shyness among some people or students makes language learning so hard; there is a tendency for some learners fearing to speak the target language they are learning because they fear to pronounce words that may embarrass them. In language learning, someone shouldn’t be worried about how he or she writes, speaks or performs in a vocabulary test in a target language. The key issue is that those mistakes that are made by the students help them to learn the limits of the languages and also help them correct errors that occur and the more you continue speaking the language though make mistakes, the more you perfect yourself.

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